Saved by sari
The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years a…
Saved by sari
Don’t be in the business of playing it safe. Be in the business of creating possibilities for greatness.
Chronic indecision is not only inefficient and counterproductive, but it is deeply corrosive to morale
And I tend to approach bad news as a problem that can be worked through and solved, something I have control over rather than something happening to me.
When hiring, try to surround yourself with people who are good in addition to being good at what they do. Genuine decency—an instinct for fairness and openness and mutual respect—is a rarer commodity in business than it should be, and you should look for it in the people you hire and nurture it in the people who work for you.
At its essence, good leadership isn’t about being indispensable; it’s about helping others be prepared to possibly step into your shoes—giving them access to your own decision making, identifying the skills they need to develop and helping them improve, and, as I’ve had to do, sometimes being honest with them about why they’re not ready for the ne
... See moreOne of the most important qualities of a good leader is optimism, a pragmatic enthusiasm for what can be achieved. Even in the face of difficult choices and less than ideal outcomes, an optimistic leader does not yield to pessimism. Simply put, people are not motivated or energized by pessimists
True authority and true leadership come from knowing who you are and not pretending to be anything else.