Saved by Keely Adler
The Return of Magic
This year, 2024, set the stage. It’s the year the Vibe Shifted. In his In his year-defining essay, Vibe Shift, Santiago Pliego wrote:
... See moreFundamentally, the Vibe Shift is a return to—a championing of—Reality, a rejection of the bureaucratic, the cowardly, the guilt-driven; a return to greatness, courage, and joyous ambition.
The Vibe Shift is the refu
Packy McCormick • The Return of Magic
I just kind of know that there’s a Universal Consciousness, that we’re all a part of it, and that the world is more magical than we’ve been led to believe.
This is not my own idea. It’s not even a new idea. It’s a very old one. This is what Jesus was saying, and the Buddha, and Rumi. It is the Perennial Philosophy: all major religious and spiritual
... See morePacky McCormick • The Return of Magic
It's all parts of our soul exploring consciousness in different ways, and we're basically building up huge amounts of information.
Every new thought we have, every new idea we have is new information. And that way, we're expanding the cosmos because each new piece of information that we come up with then goes into this library of his and becomes
... See morePacky McCormick • The Return of Magic
What is the purpose of technology?
It is to enable more people to have more ideas and experiences in order to expand the universe.
Given that, it is a cosmic imperative to build, to create, to travel beyond the earth and spread human consciousness throughout the universe so that the Universal Consciousness can better know itself.
We have an imperative
... See morePacky McCormick • The Return of Magic
Human centric woof