The Reality of Being
We have to step out of the narrow circle of thoughts and feelings in which we are enclosed. We have to escape in order to have the possibility to approach another world and exist in a different way. For this, efforts are necessary.
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
Instead of endless reactions—the conditioned responses of our automatism—there is the possibility of action coming from vision, from a conscious force that is higher.
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
committed search for a center of gravity of vigilance in oneself.
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
In fact, we are prisoners of our attitudes of thinking, feeling and moving, as though caught in a magic circle from which we cannot escape. In order to get out, I would need to be able to take a new attitude—to think otherwise, to feel otherwise, to act otherwise, all at the same time. But, without my knowing it, these three are interconnected and,
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To work together sincerely would be to understand our nothingness and what a real human relation would be.
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
For a form to remain alive, we need always to return to the source, to the truth. Below the Absolute, at all levels, there is remembering and a thirst to turn toward the greater, toward what is. But, as we descend the ladder of involution, forgetting appears and becomes deeper and deeper.
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
I see my ego expressing itself in my thoughts, my desires, my movements. And I try not to be taken by them.
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
This Work is a school for developing a new center of gravity. Until now the center of gravity around which our life has turned—whether we accept it or not—has been our ordinary “I.” And it is still this “I” that hopes, that evaluates, that judges .
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
A basic principle of this school is always to do more than what ordinarily we can do. Only this will lead to change. If we do merely what is possible, we stay as we are. It is necessary to do the impossible.
Madame de Salzmann • The Reality of Being
The Movements thus bring the element of shock in a right way. It is this that may allow us to pass the interval between si and do, which otherwise may never be passed. Only if we have a Presence that is stable, a second body, will we be able really to do the Movements as they were intended.