The Rational Male

The truly positive masculine Man sets himself apart from the Matrix in spite of a world set against him – this unconscious meta-acknowledgment is what makes a woman (and other men) attracted to you as a vibrant, responsible, but firmly confident masculine Man.
Rollo Tomassi • The Rational Male
The true crime of this gender redefining is the real “double standard” that men should be so feminized as to loathe their innate masculinity, yet still be held liable for uniquely male, traditionally masculine responsibilities and accountabilities by virtue of them being male. It’s the male Catch 22 again; hate your masculinity, but be held respons
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Essentially a shit test is used by women to determine one, or a combination of these factors: a.) Confidence – first and foremost b.) Options – is this guy really into me because I’m ‘special’ or am I his only option? c.) Security – is this guy capable of providing me with long term security?
Rollo Tomassi • The Rational Male
Women don’t want a man to cheat, but they love a Man who could cheat. That is the threat and the attraction. Women want a Man that has confidence in his own value; that’s sexy, but the more he self-realizes this the greater the anxiety is that she’ll be found wanting as he better understands his options.
Rollo Tomassi • The Rational Male
Masculinity has been redefined by people (men and women) who have no concept of what its original definition was. The behaviors and characteristics that constitute what is uniquely masculine aren’t being challenged; they’ve been redefined to fit the purposes of an agenda. In 1905 no one wrote articles on how to “be a man” or bothered to analyze the
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The very characteristics that define traditional masculinity – independence, self-confidence, rugged individualism, physical strength, risk taking, problem solving and innovation – we are now to believe are (or should be) the aspirations of women to the point that ridicule of the singularly feminine female is the order.
Rollo Tomassi • The Rational Male
Roosh can be found at http://www.rooshv.com/ and Roissy (or one of his many aliases) can be found posting as Heartiste at http://heartiste.wordpress.com/ From a purely practical and practicable approach to Game Nick Krauser at http://krauserpua.com/ is one of the best. Nick is the author of many PUA guides and focuses primarily on approach and sedu
... See moreRollo Tomassi • The Rational Male
A woman’s existential imperative, her happiness, her contentment, her protection, her provisioning, her empowerment, literally anything that benefits the feminine is not only encouraged socially, but in most cases mandated by law.
Rollo Tomassi • The Rational Male
Sexuality is a woman’s first, best agency and any social mechanism that contributes to the value of it will always be encouraged.