The Rabbit Hole 🕳🐇 issue no.54

The Secret
Allow yourself to go down rabbit holes
A rabbit hole is not a distraction. A rabbit hole is your brain trying to tell you to pay attention to something you’re curious about. Ignore algorithmic rabbit holes.
If you see something, save something
Pay attention to what feels resonant to you. Save breadcrumbs and build a path for yourself to w... See more
Allow yourself to go down rabbit holes
A rabbit hole is not a distraction. A rabbit hole is your brain trying to tell you to pay attention to something you’re curious about. Ignore algorithmic rabbit holes.
If you see something, save something
Pay attention to what feels resonant to you. Save breadcrumbs and build a path for yourself to w... See more
There’s a layered quality to suffering and intense emotion. As you become interested, a tiny, elf light appears in the darkest dungeon. That’s the gate of emptiness. As you become more interested, you walk deeper into the forest and everything looks different. Sometimes it becomes joyful right away but it doesn’t need to. It’s become a path and tha
... See moreJohn Tarrant • John Tarrant : Articles