The Rabbit Hole 🕳🐇 issue no.47
You are not most people, so don’t do things for most people. Don’t do things for most people; do things for yourself based on your own unique tastes and experiences, and the right people will show up. Raise your standards and aspire for greatness. Don’t just impress your friends; impress God himself.
The Rabbit Hole 🕳🐇 issue no.47
“While most of us are led by the strict demands of timetables and diaries, our soul, the seat of the heart, trails nostalgically behind, burdened by the weight of memory.”
The Rabbit Hole 🕳🐇 issue no.47
The term “third space” has quadrupled in usage in the past decade1, and even the New York Times has picked up on the trend.
The Rabbit Hole 🕳 🐇 issue no.47
“The journey is not a straight line but a completed circle. The real destination is your own front door.”
The Rabbit Hole 🕳🐇 issue no.47
It’ll be awesome to live a long and healthy life, but the purpose of life isn’t to have as much of it as possible. The purpose is to know what to do with what you have. Without something worthy of dying for (dedicating yourself to), you can live 900 lifetimes and still feel like it’s not long enough.3