The Rabbit Hole 🕳🐇 issue no.47
"There are two ways to make the world more mesmerizing: to seek out new and increasingly intense experiences, or to loosen the filters that make ordinary experience “ordinary”. You can go skydiving, or you can meditate for long enough that walking feels like skydiving. Either way, I think what we’re seeking is an escape back into what we used to be... See more
Allow yourself to go down rabbit holes
A rabbit hole is not a distraction. A rabbit hole is your brain trying to tell you to pay attention to something you’re curious about. Ignore algorithmic rabbit holes.
If you see something, save something
Pay attention to what feels resonant to you. Save breadcrumbs and build a path for yourself to walk down la... See more
A rabbit hole is not a distraction. A rabbit hole is your brain trying to tell you to pay attention to something you’re curious about. Ignore algorithmic rabbit holes.
If you see something, save something
Pay attention to what feels resonant to you. Save breadcrumbs and build a path for yourself to walk down la... See more