Saved by Stuart Evans
The Power of Metaphor! Using Our Lenses to Enrich Web3 Communiti…
Using metaphors is a practical way to enact more humane ways of organizing. Our metaphors shape how we build communities, which in turn shape our technology and behaviors.
Mirror • The Power of Metaphor! Using Our Lenses to Enrich Web3 Communiti…
When we combine a diversity of metaphors, we transform our goals, ways of relating, and experiences of work in the first place. With practice, we can shape the lived reality of our many collectives.
Mirror • The Power of Metaphor! Using Our Lenses to Enrich Web3 Communiti…
Metaphors give us a way to infuse our technology with the wisdom and care they currently lack. We can learn to internalize different metaphors as a solution to creating communities in a highly complex, context-dependent digital era.
Mirror • The Power of Metaphor! Using Our Lenses to Enrich Web3 Communiti…
A simple truth: metaphors shape human interactions. They are not just poetic writing tools, rather they’re the lenses through which we experience being part of a group dynamic. Today, they can help us understand the paradigm shift the digital economy is undergoing.