The Plague
I can’t say I really know him, but one’s got to help a neighbor, hasn’t one?”
Albert Camus • The Plague
how they love, and how they die. In our little town (is this, one wonders, an effect of the climate?) all three are done on much the same lines, with the same feverish yet casual air.
Albert Camus • The Plague
What’s important is for you to go out a bit. It’s a mistake staying indoors too much.”
Albert Camus • The Plague
Nevertheless there still exist towns and countries where people have now and then an inkling of something different. In general it doesn’t change their lives. Still, they have had an intimation, and that’s so much to the good.
Albert Camus • The Plague
There lay certitude; there, in the daily round. All the rest hung on mere threads and trivial contingencies; you couldn’t waste your time on it. The thing was to do your job as it should be done.
Albert Camus • The Plague
we tell ourselves that pestilence is a mere bogy of the mind, a bad dream that will pass away. But it doesn’t always pass away and, from one bad dream to another, it is men who pass away,
Albert Camus • The Plague
the sounds of mild activity characteristic of the hour; a drone rather than a bustling, the noises of a happy town, in short, if it’s possible to be at once so dull and happy.
Albert Camus • The Plague
It was as if the earth on which our houses stood were being purged of its secreted humors; thrusting up to the surface the abscesses and pus-clots that had been forming in its entrails.
Albert Camus • The Plague
“I’m so glad to be with you again, Bernard,” she added. “The rats can’t change that, anyhow.”
Albert Camus • The Plague
some stir in Algiers. A young commercial employee had killed an Algerian on a beach.