The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions
Emily P.
The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions
Our next right thing will often be to wait. Give time to allow the clutter to clear. Create space for your soul to breathe. Make room for your desire to show up at the table. Begin to name the unnamed things. Wait. Listen. Repeat.
Let’s be men and women who keep our ears pressed gently against the heart of God, willing to respond to faint whispers and small nudges, and even have an openness to be the wink of God for someone else.
We get into trouble when we pit two things against each other that could also coexist.
Sometimes I wonder if the reason he seems to move so slowly within and around us is because he knows we need time to let our blacks and whites move toward a more layered gradient of gray.
God declares his glory in the light, but first he forms new life in the dark, bringing it to the surface in his own time and in his own way.
But if my role is undefined, or if it’s a social situation where I don’t know people well, or if I attend a gathering where someone else in the room shares my role and the lines are unclear, I have a tendency to fly far from my center both during and after. When this scattering happens, it’s often a clue that I’m living out of my false narrative fe
... See moreAny small thing counts if it helps to place you in God’s presence and reminds you that you are loved.
“What would it look like to trust Jesus, to be patient, to be loving, or to be content just for the next ten minutes?” That’s a next-right-thing mindset for your soul.
How might I, in union with the Trinity, receive other people and respond as myself? How might I lean in to my identity as beloved and cooperate with the Father, Son, and Spirit by creating space for people to step out of their own false story and wake up to their unique contribution to the making-new of all creation?