🪈✨The Nexialist #0176
it seems that in the lack of play we face in adulthood (and in modern childhood too) in the west, reality shifting emerges as a way to rescue playfulness.
Rodrigo Turra from The Nexialist • 🪈✨The Nexialist #0176
now, in a world of climate emergency and anxiety, loneliness pandemic, growing social/economic inequality, deteriorating mental and physical health, no wonder young people want to escape. reality shifting is also part of the toolbox one can use to escape the current reality
Rodrigo Turra from The Nexialist • 🪈✨The Nexialist #0176
the disappearance of ritual “as a means of diagnosing the pathologies of the present.” RS seems to emerge in the empty space of rituals, as it uses different techniques, from meditation, visualization, frequency matching to self-hypnosis, to reach this kind of transcendent experience. some compare it to daydreaming or astral projections.