The New American Dream Is Sponsored by Meta: ANA VIKTORIA DZINIC
I recently stumbled upon this documentary about the “New Millionaires in Germany,” which included one of the Elevator Boys from TikTok. He said that he makes around 100k a month now but acknowledged that he was able to reach this point because his dad works in investment banking.
Claire Koron Elat • The New American Dream Is Sponsored by Meta: ANA VIKTORIA DZINIC
images are still powerful if they are used to tell a story. It’s not that one image on Instagram blows me away, but rather the entire grid, or the persona. How much a person actually keeps up the world building with a 360 immersive narrative.
Claire Koron Elat • The New American Dream Is Sponsored by Meta: ANA VIKTORIA DZINIC
For a magazine and brand, you want to create as many connection points as possible in the service of hype and media recognition. As a consumer, you primarily just want one person or a specific audience to appreciate you, let’s say your crush or friends. It’s much more targeted. Of course, some magazines and brands act like consumers in an effort to... See more
Claire Koron Elat • The New American Dream Is Sponsored by Meta: ANA VIKTORIA DZINIC
the image maker of the future will probably be the person who has the most highly sought-after taste and always gets it right.