The Morrigan in Celtic Mythology
The Morrigan in Celtic Mythology
the story of the one-eyed God, Balor,
These Goddesses and Gods were called the Tuatha De Dannan, meaning the Family of Danu, and with them they brought four treasures: the Stone of Virtue and Destiny, called the Lia Fail or Great Fal; the Sword of Nuada from Gorias; Lugh's Spear of Victory from Finias; and from the mythical city of Murias, Dagda's Cauldron of Rebirth.
At about this time, there arose from the Tuatha dé Danann the powerful Irish god Eochaid Ollathair, who ruled in Ireland. He was the All-Father, God of Magic, God of Time, Protector of Crops, or the Dagda. He is one of the legendary figures said to be buried at Newgrange.
Morrigan (Morrigana)-Beautiful and powerful sea Goddess of wisdom and beauty, called the "Great Queen" and "Great Sea Mother." On Samhain, Morrigan takes Dagda, the good God, as her lover. Associated with ocean vegetation, manta rays, whales, sand dollars, and the queen's rod of command.
Arawn-Death, war, and ancestral God who was the King of Annwn, the Underworld. Associated with the swine, magical beasts, the ancestral tree, water springs, shape shifting, and the cauldron.
Gwydion-Wizard and Prince of the Powers of Air; master shapeshifter; and God of the arts, eloquence, kindness, and magic. Son of Danu, nephew of Math, and brother of Ameathon, Gobannon, and Arianrhod. Gwydion gave his son Llew his name and his right to bear arms and created Llew's bride for him. One of the twelve that brought the swine to his peopl
... See moreshe is usually depicted as a young beautiful hunter with her bow and arrow, often surrounded by wild animals.
If there were to be a Celtic equivalent to Zeus or Jupiter, widely considered the “father gods” of the Greeks and Romans, it would have to be the Dagda.