The Morrigan in Celtic Mythology
The Morrigan in Celtic Mythology
Morrigan (Morrigana)-Beautiful and powerful sea Goddess of wisdom and beauty, called the "Great Queen" and "Great Sea Mother." On Samhain, Morrigan takes Dagda, the good God, as her lover. Associated with ocean vegetation, manta rays, whales, sand dollars, and the queen's rod of command.
Irish mythology, the Morrigan appears as a whole flock of carrion crows on a field after battle. Shape-shifting also takes place in the Welsh tales; in the Mabinogion, the troublemaking brothers Gwydion and Gilfaethwy are punished by being transformed into a series of different animals. For a year at a time, they exist as a pair of deer, as wild bo
... See moreThe Morrigan, the Phantom Queen, was the goddess of war, fate, death, priests and witches, revenge, violence, and the patron of servicemen and women.
The document discusses the historical and cultural significance of the Celtic race, focusing on their conflicts, characteristics, and contributions during ancient times, notably in Gaul, Britain, and Ireland.
gutenberg.orgIt’s very striking that, in both the Welsh and Irish myths, things often come in threes. In the Mabinogion, Branwen is one of three principal maidens of Britain; Rhiannon has three magical birds; Gwydion curses his brother three times. In Irish mythology, both the Morrigan and the Babdh, goddesses of war and death, sometimes appear in triplicate, r
... See moreThe Crone is often represented by ancient goddesses of the underworld, such as the Russian Baba Yaga, the Celtic Morrigan and Cailleach Bear, and the Greek Hecate.
he eventually became an important figure in Irish mythology as the leader of the Tuatha de Danann.
Her father was the Dagda; her mother, the Morrigan.