• from Every Complex Idea Has a Million Stupid Cousins by apxhard

    Nick deWilde added

  • from "AI for wonder": An interview with Michelle Huang, artist by Michelle Huang

    Jason Shen added

  • from Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling

    sari added

  • 100 Little Ideas

    by Morgan Housel

    26 highlights

    Thumbnail of 100 Little Ideas

    Maurice Cronin and added

  • Every Complex Idea Has a Million Stupid Cousins

    by apxhard

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of Every Complex Idea Has a Million Stupid Cousins

    Nick deWilde and added

  • from The Joys of Polarity Mapping - UX Mastery by UX Mastery

    Danielle Vermeer added

  • from TBM 28/52: First Focus. Then Simplify by John Cutler

    Fernando del Campo added

  • from The Sensemaking Companion: Section III by Alexander Beiner

    Stuart Evans added