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The Age of Precision Wellness
It represents the best wedge to scale into other categories and behaviors— Companies that build engaging physical activity experiences own valuable and hard to attain chunks of daily consumer attention and create a channel for expansion into areas like sleep, nutrition, and direct to consumer healthcare.
Brett Bivens • The Age of Precision Wellness
The emerging age of Precision Wellness, powered by the demands of the wellness-driven consumer, is fundamentally reshaping addressable markets, spurring innovation at the intersection of traditional industries, and creating massive opportunities for emerging companies building hyperpersonlized technology, communities, and experiences that improve h... See more
Brett Bivens • The Age of Precision Wellness
Even small changes to a consumer's fitness and activity regimen can have a dramatic impact on health care costs, healthspan, and risk of disease and illness. Consumers have proven a willingness to spend to the tune of $100B+ per year in fitness, and multiples of that pursuing active lifestyles.