☞ The Messiness of Reality and Stories

Jake Orthwein • Why Frame Problems? — Frame Problems
Lane Watson • Critical Creative Genius at the Intersection of Order, Disorder, and Chaos
This region of the dynamic spectrum, where outdated order dissolves into a creative and responsive chaos from which novel order can emerge, is often referred to as “the edge of chaos.” Stuart Kaufman suggested: “The best place for a system to be, in order to respond appropriately to a constantly changing world, is at the edge of chaos.” He explains
... See moreHaley Nahman • #155: How to be delusional
The more I grappled with the complexity of reality, the more I suspected that we have all been living a comforting lie, from the stories we tell about ourselves to the myths we use to explain history and social change. I began to wonder whether the history of humanity is just an endless, but futile, struggle to impose order, certainty, and rational
... See moreBrian Klaas • Fluke
The world is not a chaotic jumble of people, objects, and events clanging together in disarray. The world is a place of order and logic, a place of predictability. The world is a collection of logical systems!