• from This is How Edutainment can be a Creative Solution to All Your Problems! by Sidrah

    Mo Shafieeha added

  • from The Observer Effect – Tobi Lütke by Sriram Krishnan

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  • from How to Focus to Change Your Brain by Andrew Huberman

    Fernando del Campo added

  • from How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine … by Stanislas Dehaene

    Emilie Kormienko and added

  • from 21 Experts on the Future of Expertise by Andreessen Horowitz (AZ)

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  • from Cohere Podcast by Bill Johnston

    Jacob Borgeson added

  • Knowable — Listen. Learn. Level up.

    Thumbnail of Knowable — Listen. Learn. Level up.

    sari added

  • How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine . . . for Now

    by Stanislas Dehaene

    Cover of How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine . . . for Now