The Lazy Genius Way
only to follow through on basically nothing.
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
Other Mondays got a dose of determined genius. I’d spend Sunday night maniacally scribbling in my newest planner, organizing every meal I’d make, glass of water I’d consume, errand I’d run,
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
I tricked myself into thinking I had only two options: try too hard or don’t try at all.
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
While my actions weren’t always a direct correlation to his, I lived as if they were.
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
I was a chameleon in each relationship.
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
Telling yourself you’re better than someone is just as harmful as telling yourself you’re worse. We don’t get to measure a person’s authenticity based on how real her struggle is. That scale is broken.
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
Pause and think about the cleaning tasks that sap you dry. What would happen if you made one decision just one time to make the process a little bit easier?
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
But we assume, then, if we’re not sweating because of it, we’re not benefiting from it. That goes for exercise, doing laundry, and combating loneliness. If we’re not working excessively hard to make something happen, we might as well give up until we can put forth the effort required.
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
Streamline Your Routine Vacuum on Thursdays. Clean the mirrors when you dust. Clean the shower before you get out. Clean the toilet before you shower because toilets are gross.
Kendra Adachi • The Lazy Genius Way
We need a filter that allows us to craft a life focusing only on what matters to us, not on what everyone else says should matter.