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The Inner Scorecard: How Warren Buffett Mastered Life
What Buffett and many other people who have been successful in life — true success, not measured by money — have in common is that they’re able to remember what we all set out to do: live a fulfilling life! Not get rich. Not get famous. Not even get admiration, necessarily. But to live a satisfying existence and help others around them do the same.
Farnam Street • The Inner Scorecard: How Warren Buffett Mastered Life
In this era of fast tech driven growth, where numbers are everything, where startups and upstarts are coming out of every home, where everyone is driving to become a creator or an influencer or even both, its very easy to lose your path, lose your sanity when you're driven by external measures, external scores.
Farnam Street • The Inner Scorecard: How Warren Buffett Mastered Life
You define your own success.
Farnam Street • The Inner Scorecard: How Warren Buffett Mastered Life
No matter what journey you're on, keeping the inner scorecard will be the most to keep you on-track.