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Wander Blog | Luxury Vacation Rentals
Fora's mission is to welcome anyone and everyone passionate about travel to earn money creating and selling travel experiences.
Evan Frank • A Better Equation in Travel
RealSage – Data Intelligence Software for Multifamily Owners and Operators
soulrooms.comAt scale, Wander’s goal is to create an affordable experience at the intersection of life, work, and travel; potentially posing as a feasible alternative to rent.
Kyle Tibbitts • #19 — John Andrew Entwistle — Traveling into the future
Airbnb's latest product upgrade shows what this means in practice. In what it calls "the biggest change in a decade," the home-sharing company launched a new way to book space. Instead of starting your journey by selecting a location, Airbnb now lets you pick a "category." The category represents the type of experience you're looking for — based on... See more
Dror Poleg • LinkedIn
Just like in the nineteenth century, it is becoming difficult to draw a line between housing and lodging. The same physical asset is used differently depending on the channel through which it is marketed: leased for a year through a traditional leasing agent, booked for a night on Airbnb, or offered for several months through a serviced operator li... See more
Dror Poleg • Airbnb in Context
John Andrew spent months trying to understand how his business model for Wander would fail, not how it would succeed.
Kyle Tibbitts • #19 — John Andrew Entwistle — Traveling into the future
Whenever I am looking at any business, I’m looking to identify the path to growth and the amount of upside potential. How big can this business be? Try to understand the driver behind a company’s value and how to best scale it. How to accelerate it, change it, or keep it as a lifestyle business. Looking at businesses this way allows the company to
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