The Heart Is the Bottleneck
Such experts rely on third parties that they don’t pay or control to give honest assessments of their credibility. It is a major milestone for them to have even one significant curator of their work. You could very well be that milestone for them! How
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
What I do when a note appears is get the gist. This is greatly facilitated by Progressive Summarization
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
This is the connection between healing and performance: every harsh voice in our head is an echo of a wound or a trauma from our past.
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
At the end of the day, it has to be something worth doing anyway.
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
One of the critical principles for building a Second Brain is that each note should contain information from only one source. Instead of giant Microsoft Word or Google Docs files, each note should be small and agile, so it can easily be mixed and matched with other notes.
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
A few weeks earlier, a friend told me he had completed the Tide Turners workshop just a few months before.
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
The first part is the input – dendrites coming from other PRs that signal the presence of lower-level patterns (generally, dendrites and axons are both nerve fibers, but dendrites receive neuron signals and carry them toward the neuron, while axons transmit nerve signals to other neurons³).
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
You don’t realize how many unstated expectations and norms there are until you work with someone who doesn’t know them.
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
PRs for lower-level concepts (like the letter “A”), when fired, become the inputs for higher-level concepts, like the word “Apple.” Once a PR for “Apple” fires, it may form part of a still higher-level concept, like the sentence “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Tiago Forte • The Heart Is the Bottleneck
Sources: this series borrows a lot of ideas and phrases from Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work (affiliate link), Daniel Pink’s To Sell is Human (affiliate link), and Brendon Burchard’s The Millionaire Messenger (affiliate link). In other words, this article curates and summarizes their work!