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The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
2.Projects are built around the stakeholder’s needs, and the goal is to create the most shared value between the maximum number of people.
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
A framework to build a successful GTC strategy rests on six pillars: p eople, p urpose, g oals, c ommunication, i nputs, and o utputs.
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
Where community becomes powerful is when there are clear and well-defined goals. Each plan should be tied with a metric to measure the impact on the community. First, you should ask yourself what is valuable to measure. Avoid vanity metrics like the number of members: it doesn’t matter how many people are in your community if no one is interacting
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
Web3 is about the distribution of power and resources, not their accumulation. What drives the success of Web3 is the community because communication between its members is key for organizing themselves towards achieving a common purpose.
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
DAOs are the next evolution in online communities because they let DAO members: 1. Get financial upside for creating more value for the community, 2. h ave a real influence in the direction of the community through voting, and 3. r eflect the value of the community through the value of the token.
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
A successful GTC supports the direction in which the community wants to go, not the other way around.
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
Common topics emerge when you look at Web3 projects:
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
Your community should be a place for people to meet and speak. Conversations are what community content is built upon. If you communicate with your members-only when you have updates, you don’t have a community; you have an announcement board.
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
1.Unfortunately, many of them are not that easy to spot.
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
3.Content creators/users are digital asset owners. This idea here is critical. As time goes on, users become increasingly empowered with more access to information and therefore better able to control and be in charge of future technology advances.