The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
“The next dysfunction of a team is the lack of commitment and the failure to buy in to decisions.”
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
“And as harsh as that may sound, Ken always says that his job is to create the best team possible, not to shepherd the careers of individual athletes. And that’s how I look at my job.”
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
“Let me assure you that from now on, every staff meeting we have will be loaded with conflict. And they won’t be boring. And if there is nothing worth debating, then we won’t have a meeting.”
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
“I am pretty afraid to fail. And so I tend to over-engineer things and do them myself. I don't like to tell other people what to do, which, ironically, only makes it more likely that I'm going to fail.”
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
Without having aired their opinions in the course of passionate and open debate, team members rarely, if ever, buy in and commit to decisions, though they may feign agreement during meetings.
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
“Great teams are honest with one another,” she said. “They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.”
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
“The key, of course, is to define our goals, our results, in a way that is simple enough to grasp easily, and specific enough to be actionable.
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
monthly, because waiting a full quarter to track results didn’t give them enough opportunities to detect problems and alter activities sufficiently.
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
(Minimum time required: 4 hours.)