The Fabric of Reality

The deeper an explanation is, the more remote from immediate experience are the entities to which it must refer.
David Deutsch • The Fabric of Reality
It is like saying that the purpose of a spaceship is to burn fuel.
David Deutsch • The Fabric of Reality
To say that prediction is the purpose of a scientific theory is to confuse means with ends.
David Deutsch • The Fabric of Reality
This view is called instrumentalism (because it says that a theory is no more than an ‘instrument’ for making predictions).
David Deutsch • The Fabric of Reality
To them, the basic purpose of a scientific theory is not to explain anything, but to predict the outcomes of experiments: its entire content lies in its predictive formulae.
David Deutsch • The Fabric of Reality
What makes the general theory of relativity so important is not that it can predict planetary motions a shade more accurately than Newton’s theory can, but that it reveals and explains previously unsuspected aspects of reality,
David Deutsch • The Fabric of Reality
As mathematical reasoning became more sophisticated, it inevitably moved ever further away from everyday intuition, and this had two important, opposing effects. First, mathematicians became more meticulous about proofs, which were subjected to ever increasing standards of rigour before they were accepted. But second, more powerful methods of proof
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The claim is that, apart from blunders, their conclusions are infallible.
David Deutsch • The Fabric of Reality
Where does the certainty of a mathematical proof come from, if no one can perceive the abstract entities that the proof refers to?