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The Extended Internet Universe
network. In effect, the web was an infinite database, a sort of crazily expanding universe of human knowledge that, in theory, could hold every insight, thought, image, and product for sale.
Steven Levy • In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives
The web in its current state is like a city without public spaces. People can only interact in places owned by someone else, and a small group of landlords captures an oversized share of all economic activity.
Dror Poleg • The Token Society
"Now, that vision is fraying. The social fabric of the internet is built on very specific assumptions, many of which are giving way. Licklider envisioned the internet as a patchwork of decentralized networks, with no sense of how it would work when a handful of companies wrote most of its software and managed most of its traffic. Licklider conceive... See more
The Verge • We have abandoned every principle of the free and open internet
We shifted from cyberpunk manifestos, to corporate networks and the commoditization of the user for economic extraction.
Cyberspace is a black hole. It absorbs energy and personality. And then represents it as an emotional spectacle. It is done by businesses that commodify human interaction and emotion. And we are getting lost in the spectacle.... See more
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