Saved by Kalyani Tupkary and
The Elephant in the Courtroom
A curious legal crusade to redefine personhood is raising profound questions about the interdependence of the animal and human kingdoms.
Lawrence-wright • The Elephant in the Courtroom
Singer, an Australian philosopher, popularized the concept of “speciesism,” which he compared to racism and sexism. “All animals are equal,” he asserted, adding, “The basic principle of equality does not require equal or identical treatment; it requires equal consideration.” Singer did not actually advocate for legal rights but for expa
... See moreLawrence-wright • The Elephant in the Courtroom
The story of Hvaldimir is, in no small part, about the longing between people and a curious animal to get to know one another, and about the transformations that can result. Why not advocate for more interaction between humans and animals, when they naturally and safely occur?