• from Curatorial Governance by Tony Lashley

    sari added

  • from The Knowledge Economy Is Over. Welcome to the Allocation Economy by Dan Shipper

    Britt Gage added

  • from Expertise is ‘Just’ Pattern Matching by Commoncog

    Mo Shafieeha added

  • from Verifying Believability by Cedric Chin

    Mo Shafieeha added

  • from How Apple Is Organized for Innovation by Morten Hansen

    sari added

  • from Why Is It So Hard to Predict the Future? by Patrick Tanguay

    Keely Adler added

  • from When Generalists Are Better Than Specialists, and Vice Versa

    Supritha S added

  • Expertise is ‘Just’ Pattern Matching

    by Commoncog

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of Expertise is ‘Just’ Pattern Matching

    Mo Shafieeha and added