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The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
Earth had lost its special status. We must now reverse this mindset and restore the essential status of Earth in the Universe. Only when we retell the story of our planet will we be able to change how we relate to it.
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
for the current scientific narrative to guide us toward a planetary community, we must reframe its focus—not by portraying science as the triumph of human reason over the natural world, but as a narrative that situates humanity within the epic vastness of cosmic and evolutionary history.
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
The MINDFUL approach to consumerism:
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
Francisco Varela wrote: “A cell stands out of a molecular soup by defining and specifying boundaries that set it apart from what it is not. However, this specification of boundaries is done through molecular productions made possible through the boundaries themselves.”
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
Newton’s theism—a God present at all times—gave way to deism—an absent God whose role was relegated to that of creator of the Universe and its laws.
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
There is no “us” without the biosphere. And without us, the biosphere doesn’t know it exists, doesn’t have a voice.
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
Humans are spiritual beings. We long for meaning and transcendence,
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
Take away our oxygen-rich atmosphere, take away our protective magnetic field, take away the slow drift of tectonic planets, take away our large Moon, take away our shielding ozone layer, and life as we know it wouldn’t exist.
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
There is no God’s-eye view of the world, at least not for our human eyes. We are bound to see the world from within the confines of our minds and bodies.
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
Gravity enveloped the whole Cosmos with its embrace. What many people don’t know and schools don’t teach is that, to Newton, gravity was inseparable from God.