• from Blog :: The Creative World’s Bullshit IndustrialComplex

    rob hardy added

  • Jilber Najem and added

  • from Making Things Is Hard by Ava

    sari and added

  • Ignore Everybody

    by Hugh MacLeod

    Cover of Ignore Everybody
  • from On Meaningless Careers by Jack Raines

    sari added

  • from Things I'm thinking about by sari azout

    Stephen Black added

  • The Art of Being Unmistakable: A Collection of Essays About Making a Dent in The Universe

    by Srinivas Rao

    Cover of The Art of Being Unmistakable: A Collection of Essays About Making a Dent in The Universe

    Glen Cassidy and added

  • 101 Design Rules

    by wearecollins.com

    28 highlights

    Thumbnail of 101 Design Rules

    sari and added