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The brand checklist
A brand is always answering two questions. The first one internally facing: What do we believe? The second, externally: How do we behave? You must remain authentic to yourself, your core values, and what you stand for. If you’re not, people will sniff you out. But your brand must maintain cultural congruence — remaining relevant to the times, alway... See more
Brian Collins • 101 Design Rules
Creating a Brand Identity: A Guide for Designers: (graphic Design Books, LOGO Design, Marketing) What’s surprising for many people, she says, is that marketing is actually highly tactical. There are frameworks and distinct steps founders can take to define what their company is doing, why it’s important, and why — above all the noise — people should listen to them. - How to Position Your Business - “You can't be everything to everyone, but y... See more
First Round Capital • Positioning Your Startup is Vital — Here’s How to Nail It
Brand sustainability comes down to two things: relevance and differentiation. Something either affects a brand's relevance; is it meaningful to my life today? And its differentiation; is it unique and can I identify that uniqueness? Everything falls into one of those two buckets as it relates to brand. The goal is to be high
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