The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
The world’s greatest coaches work hard to understand their clients because they know it is the only way to ignite rapid, permanent transformations.
Ajit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
Ask Yourself “How can I be more present when I’m coaching? How can I connect with my intuition? How can I tap into innate intelligence?”
Ajit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
But coaches need to operate in the same way as an intellectual. Coaching requires intense periods of focus and concentration. You need to be able to ask your clients brave questions at the right time. You need to be able to connect with your clients and get them to see what they need to see so they can hit their goals. You need to be able to share
... See moreAjit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
We bury our fears by working all the time. We do our best not deal with them. I won’t lie. Hiding fears and working nonstop can create results. For some people. But not for coaches and here’s why. Coaches don’t get to hide their feelings and bury their emotions. You can’t hide because what you do for a living - your purpose as a coach – is to help
... See moreAjit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
As you list your values and beliefs, you will realize that your best clients are aligned with what you stand for. Once you have these values and beliefs listed, go ahead and make a video or write a post about every one of them. Do the same for the ones you are against.
Ajit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
Ask Yourself “How can I schedule my time in a way where I can go deep every, single week? Maybe even take an entire month to get into deep work mode? How can I find different ways to create space for deep work on a regular basis? What would that look like?”
Ajit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
Higher version of yourself = higher version of clients.
Ajit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
My first coaching package was for $15,000 per year. It’s at $70,000 per year right now. It went up to $100,000 per year for a brief moment. I didn’t feel comfortable with that, so I brought it back down. That’s ok too.
Ajit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
The Ideal Client Tracker I generally like working with two categories of business owners. Businesses generating over 1 million in sales. Extraordinary individuals who are in transition.
Ajit Nawalkha • The Book of Coaching: For Extraordinary Coaches
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” -NAPOLEON HILL