The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People

What tends to happen with people who are depressed and stuck is a phenomenon called stacking. This is when something bad happens to us and we take that isolated event and attach it to a series of other “bad” isolated events and create a pessimistic narrative.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
The key is to get better at what you do by curating your day to serve you and free up your time.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
The challenge of today’s exercise is to isolate a moment when you’re feeling anxious and use it as feedback for the way
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
When we don’t have a positive connection with the flow of time, we lack purpose. We wander around, aimlessly squandering the time we have, only to regret it later. We get so lost in time that we can’t even stop to look at the future and think through the impact of decisions today.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
When people have a backlog of mental processing that needs to happen, it creates stress.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
Positive growth means reaching back into the gunk of the past and healing it so it doesn’t infect our present. This is where most people are stuck. They can’t be in the now since they’re trapped in the past, lugging it around, feeling crappy.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
Here’s the rule: If it’s important enough to you and your life, then it should be on your calendar.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
The key is managing your burn rate. If you put all the self-care off until next weekend or that next vacation, well, you see where that has gotten you. So how do you live a balanced life each day that helps move you ahead and serve your long-term happiness? You build it in.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
A gong is a powerful way of not only building focus and determination but also ensuring that you train regularly. A gong is a dedicated act of self-love that snaps you out of your daily trance and brings the light of awareness to