The Art of Logic

The key is to remember that it is both statements “A” and “A implies B” that together allow us to infer statement B. So if statement B is not true it is either because A isn’t true or because “A implies B” isn’t true. The possibility of the implication being untrue is often overlooked.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
A is a sufficient condition for B. B is a necessary condition for A. • A is true only if B is true. Only if B is true is A true.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
many arguments in real life go wrong because of problems with the groundwork rather than with the argument per se.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
soundly but starting from different basic beliefs. So two people can both be logical but still disagree about things.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
The primary aim of normal language is communication, whereas the primary aim of logical language is to eliminate ambiguity.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
Time and causation flow in one direction only, and so does logic, and we must be careful not to make errors in direction.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
In that situation the key would be to change someone’s mind about that core principle rather than anything else.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
A powerful aspect of abstraction is that many different situations become the same when you forget some details.
Eugenia Cheng • The Art of Logic
be true, not by cause and effect, not by probability, not by observation, but by something inherent that will never ever change.