The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
People around you repeating the same idea may have gotten it from the same source. This fools our truth sensors, but popularity does not equal truth. There is no point debating someone who can’t whip out plots, primary URLs, or raw data. Argue with signal sources, not signal repeaters.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
The goal of transhumanism is simply to become the absolute best version of yourself. I think all of tech will be focused on it in five to ten years.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
Unpopular truth is a reliable source of profit. Behind every great fortune is a great thoughtcrime.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
How to change the world: Discover true facts. Acquire sufficient distribution.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
When you put information online, you get distribution, sharing, collaboration, etc. When you put it on-chain, you get immutability, verifiability, monetization, etc. On-chain is not suitable for everything, just like you don’t put everything online. Putting something on-chain is a stronger version of putting it online.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
Physical, then Digital, then Native Digital
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
Google founder and computer scientist Larry Page said any law more than fifty years old has to be re-examined. Any law written before the internet needs to get re-examined, or it’s going to collapse.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
If the purpose of technology is to reduce scarcity, then the ultimate purpose of technology is to eliminate mortality.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
people pay for the value provided to them. They pay for the impact on them, not the cost to provide it.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
Platforms like Substack, Patreon, and Ghost allow writers to optimize for dollowers. Dollowing is a scarce and valuable behavior, unlike following. In the battle of ideas, dollowing is more important than following or just retweeting.