The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
In all areas of life, the overwhelming evidence is that Competition takes us further away from our own excellence rather than closer.
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
Here's a list of what you might call 'dharma-discovery enquiries'.
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
What one tiny thing can I do to bring this golden Grace of Invitation into my personal and business communications? Then, we shut our eyes and imagine how this one tiny thing could start a ripple of change. If Invasion creates more Invasion, surely Invitation will create more Invitation.
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
In order for marketers to create false needs, they first have to create feelings of fear, disconnection or inadequacy. Once we are convinced of these feelings, we will do anything to fill the emptiness they bring. When
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
No Contest: The Case Against Competition by Alfie Kohn.
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
But interdependence is an entirely different thing. It means we make decisions based upon thoughtful consideration for how it impacts the whole. It means we feel connected to the whole organism of society, and we understand the vital part we play in helping that whole thrive.
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
When we marketers are the 'host' (as when people visit our website), it is our responsibility to treat our guests with hospitality, respect and sincere engagement. When we are the 'guest' (as when we send emails to people on our list) we must be sensitive, grateful and mindful of giving more than we expect to receive. But consumers can also help by
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Expiration is the natural end-result of Persuasion marketing, as its ultimate aim is to disempower the consumer. Whether in marketing or any other kind of communication, whenever our aim is to disable, discourage or disempower others, the psychological and biological stresses we incite literally rob them of life.
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
At the end of the day, each of us is a single human being, no matter how big our businesses might be.
Lynn Serafinn • The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell
Transparency means to walk in the light of our own luminescence and allow that light to be seen by all. Or, more simply put: Transparency means to KNOW who we really are