Text figures
Text is the most ubiquitous and the least user-friendly interface to information that we have. We have plots, we have graphs, we have tables. All of these are great. They are optimized for various different kinds of things for different uses.
Text is not optimized for anything at all. It's just a thing that we inherited from 3,000 years a
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The whole thing is in a nutshell. Numbers, as such, are abstractions and hard to be remembered. To make them hard to forget, we translate them into words or phrases.
A. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
Serif or Sans Serif for Printed Matter? Do you know the difference between a serif and a sans serif type-face? Your eye certainly does. A serif typeface is one that has little feet and embellishments on the tips and base of each letter, such as this font. Sans (the French word “without”) serif faces, such as this font, have no such serifs. The seri
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