Tenth of December: Stories

“He’s the King of If,” Ma said. “What he ain’t is King of Actually Do.”
George Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
Based on my experience of life, which I have not exactly hit out of the park, I tend to agree with that thing about, If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. And would go even further, to: Even if it is broke, leave it alone, you’ll probably make it worse.
George Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
Family life of our time sometimes seems like game of Whac-a-Mole, future reader. Future generations still have? Plastic mole emerges, you whack with hammer, he dies, falls, another emerges, you whack, kill? Perhaps may seem like strange/violent game to you, future reader? Who no longer even need to eat to live? Just levitate all day, smiling warmly
... See moreGeorge Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
Dad had once said, Trust your mind, Rob. If it smells like shit but has writing across it that says Happy Birthday and a candle stuck down in it, what is it? Is there icing on it? he’d said.
George Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
It was that impossible thing: happiness that does not wilt to reveal the thin shoots of some new desire rising from within it.
George Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
The new George Saunders collection is insanely good.
Sometimes, feeling happy like this, she imagined a baby deer trembling in the woods.
George Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
It had once been a mill town. Wasn’t that crazy? What did that even mean?
George Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
What she liked was being in charge of her. Her body, her mind. Her thoughts, her career, her future.
George Saunders • Tenth of December: Stories
What she liked was being in charge of her. Her body, her mind. Her thoughts, her career, her future.