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Team Human
As a result, instead of optimizing our machines for humanity—or even the benefit of some particular group—we are optimizing humans for machinery.
Douglas Rushkoff • Program or Be Programmed
The reduction of reality to information and humans to genotypes all-too-conveniently dovetails with capitalism’s imperative to render everything into a suitable form for the marketplace. Everything is data, and everything has a price, and everything can scale.
Douglas Rushkoff • Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires
Under scientism, humans are just robots running programs—either the ones dictated by our genes, or destructive pathogens like spirituality. However, by refusing to understand how meaning-making is a subtle community project related to the ways we live together, this orthodox scientism denies any scheme of things where human agency—hand in hand with
... See moreDouglas Rushkoff • Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires
As the underlying logic, technology, messaging, and remote control of The Mindset is palpable everywhere—school, work, healthcare, warfare, the environment—it’s no wonder so many people are frightened and angry. But instead of pushing for an alternative to the dehumanized, misogynist, antisocial, and catastrophic biases of The Mindset, the resistan
... See moreDouglas Rushkoff • Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires
Society is often treated as an object, which digital technology does things to, rather than a community of people with agency and a collective desire to shape the future.