Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete

Zulu revolves around a cluster of 4-6 main lifts+ performed over 4 days through the week. Each lift is practiced twice a week. If you can handle the volume, you can use up to 6 or 7major lifts + accessories.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
simplicity wins out over complicated.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
If you want to minimize hypertrophy further, look to 4-5 minutes of rest+.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
You’re not lifting the barbells to challenge yourself, you are training to improve a skill. Not working out or exercising so you can enjoy an endorphin rush.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
‘simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
On training days calling for heavier loads with weights you’ve never handled before, it’s not uncommon to rest five to ten minutes between sets.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
For the operational athlete, training is about improving the attribute, not about getting better at using the tool.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
In the TB world, strength training is the skeleton over which we drape things like work capacity, endurance, speed and power. Focus on getting extremely strong in a small handful of balanced compound lifts.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
Tactical Barbell values results over elegant, popular, or attractive appearing methods that may not deliver. Results speak.