Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete

For a minimalist approach like Operator, I generally favor substantial compound lifts like the back squat and bench press for the average trainee.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
maximal-strength is the skeleton or framework that other physical attributes are draped over.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
Zulu revolves around a cluster of 4-6 main lifts+ performed over 4 days through the week. Each lift is practiced twice a week. If you can handle the volume, you can use up to 6 or 7major lifts + accessories.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
You need to do some form of muscular-endurance work to help express some of that max-strength as SE.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
If you’re running this template long term, I recommend you take a few weeks off every 3-6 months or so to allow your CNS some recovery time. Good time to go on leave.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
Muscular endurance is derived from maximal-strength.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
after you remove all the noise, effective strength training revolves around balancing these three things; frequency, intensity (load), and recovery.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
Balance can be obtained through activities outside of your max-strength protocol.
K. Black • Tactical Barbell: Definitive Strength Training for the Operational Athlete
Some trainees use the minimum doses for certain exercises, and max sets/reps to target problem areas.