To discover the essence of generous design, she suggests that we take nature as our model, measure and mentor. With nature as model, we can study and mimic life’s cyclical processes of take and give, death and renewal, in which one creature’s waste becomes another’s food. As measure, nature sets the ecological standard by which to judge the sustain
... See moreKate Raworth • Doughnut Economics: The must-read book that redefines economics for a world in crisis
Sustainable design is the approach to creating products and services that have considered the environmental, social, and economic impacts from the initial phase through to the end of life. EcoDesign is a core tool in the matrix of approaches that enables the Circular Economy.
Leyla Acaroglu • Quick Guide to Sustainable Design Strategies
honextmaterial.comReturnity is solving for the increased focus on circular shipping models, consumer attention to sustainability, and brands sensitivity to a differentiated customer experience. We will displace the use of over 1 million cardboard boxes and poly mailer bags in 2019 — and 10 million+ in 2020.
Mike Newman • Big Ideas: “How we can eliminate single use packaging” with Mike Newman, CEO of Returnity…
Design for disassembly, closed-loop material recycling and working systemically along the entire supply chain have brought increased profitability along with a wide diversity of environmental benefits.
Daniel Wahl • Designing Regenerative Cultures
Sustainability defies categorization. Just as every company has become a fintech (every company needs to offer some form of financing, payments, etc.), every company will become a sustainability company. It’s unavoidable. The biggest trends are often horizontal through-lines like this, cutting across sectors.