Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
Try taking your grocery list to the supermarket but not looking at it. Buy as much as you can from memory, and only then consult your list. When you get to the point that you leave nothing out, wean yourself from the list entirely.
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
All memories are associated with other earlier ones. This is the basis of learning.
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
Sit down and write out your personal vision. Aim for the highest goals you can imagine that would bring fulfillment. Seek out people who share the same vision and are achieving success. Once you know where you are headed, the path unfolds with its own inner guidance. Allow this to happen;
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
most people are too quick to blame the brain. What they should be looking at is habit, behavior, attention, enthusiasm, and focus, all of which are primarily mental.
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
The best way to achieve health, happiness, and success is by balancing all four phases of your brain.
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
Meditate. Examine your negative beliefs. Reject self-defeating reactions to life’s challenges. Learn new responses that are life-enhancing. Adopt a higher vision of your life and live by it. Recognize self-judgment and reject it. Stop believing that fear is okay just because it’s powerful. Don’t mistake moods for reality.
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
Be willing to redefine yourself every day.
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
Work on psychological blocks like shame and guilt—they falsely color your reality.
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
The first rule of super brain is that your brain is always eavesdropping on your thoughts. As it listens, it learns. If you teach it about limitation, your brain will become limited. But what if you do the opposite? What if you teach your brain to be unlimited?
Rudolph E. Tanzi • Super Brain: Unleashing the explosive power of your mind to maximize health, happiness and spiritual well-being
You can put a few harmless spiders on someone who is deathly afraid of them, and their panic may induce a heart attack. What’s stronger than reality? Knowing that you are the reality