Saved by Ted Glasnow
Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
A CMO is unnecessary until after Series B
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
To advance your career as a marketer, it pays to become a specialists in one channel
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
The efficacy of any marketing tactic comes down to data, creative, and logistics
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
Because the early edges that some early digital marketers were able to exploit have been competed away, “old school” method are making a come back (direct mail)
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
Don’t hire marketing unicorns to solve all your marketing problems. Test channels, find ones that work, and hire a junior marketer with experience in those specific channels
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
Sunil thinks a phone call to action in Google ads is a very effective tactic for high-dollar purchase (route ad audience to a call center to field leads)
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
Consider other actors, beside the end customer, that influence the purchase the decision when discovering potential marketing channels
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
Consumer marketing is way harder
Execs • Sunil Rajaraman (VP of B2B Marketing at GoodRx)
When marketing to a community, it pays to give asymmetric attention to the first couple thousand members