Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty

Recognizing that strategy is a creative exercise
I think of the strategy frameworks for more stable environments as castle-building (e.g., Michael Porter’s five forces framework) or chess (e.g., the resource-based view proposed by Jay Barney); that’s in contrast to strategy in dynamic environments, which is more like surfing, where you try to be ag... See more
I think of the strategy frameworks for more stable environments as castle-building (e.g., Michael Porter’s five forces framework) or chess (e.g., the resource-based view proposed by Jay Barney); that’s in contrast to strategy in dynamic environments, which is more like surfing, where you try to be ag... See more
Nathan Furr • Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty
Nathan Furr • Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty
3 key points
The problem is that most of our existing frameworks, developed during a more stable era, don’t work as well in dynamic conditions. This isn’t to say the old frameworks and the tools that went with them are completely irrelevant. There will always be a need to understand industry structure or to use your resources to create new advantages, but when ... See more
Nathan Furr • Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty
The organization’s ability to experiment
Nathan Furr • Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty
The obvious one - that no-one likes investing in. Particularly because this actually needs to be more than "test and learn" which is too often cited as a panacea.
As we enter an age of uncertainty, firms are desperately searching for the tools to keep pace.
Nathan Furr • Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty
The individual’s ability to cope with uncertainty
Organizations are created, powered, and led by people. To lead organizations well, we train people in disciplines such as marketing, finance, and leadership. But uncertainty presents a special challenge since few of us have received training in how to deal with it. As a result, although we may call ... See more
Organizations are created, powered, and led by people. To lead organizations well, we train people in disciplines such as marketing, finance, and leadership. But uncertainty presents a special challenge since few of us have received training in how to deal with it. As a result, although we may call ... See more
Nathan Furr • Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty
This is what Strategic Mindset needs to be about, at least in part