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Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand
As I reflected on each day of my life and identified the most storyworthy moments from that day, I began to develop a storytelling lens — one that is now sharp and clear. With this lens, I began to see that my life is filled with stories. Moments of real meaning that I had never noticed before were suddenly staring me in the
Matthew Dicks • Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand
By connecting the world of four decades ago with the world of today and demonstrating an understanding of the way the market has evolved over time, the storyteller demonstrates insight, wisdom, and mastery of the subject:
Matthew Dicks • Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand
That will be your five-second moment. Until you have it, you don’t have a story. When you find it, you’re ready to begin crafting that moment into a story.
Matthew Dicks • Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand
the worksheet below, the top row is labeled with the words “Prompt, First, Last, Best, Worst.” The left-hand column, “Prompt,” lists the actual prompts, and in the row for each prompt, write a word or phrase that indicates a memory for each category. That’s
Matthew Dicks • Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand
After completing your chart, analyze it. Specifically, ask yourself three questions: Do any entries appear more than once (the signal of a likely story)? Could you turn any of these entries into useful anecdotes? Could you turn any of these entries into fully realized
Matthew Dicks • Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand
For a story to qualify as a story, it requires elements like suspense, stakes, surprise, and humor. Stories are supposed to captivate an audience. Demand their attention. Produce feelings like hope, fear, anticipation, relief, worry, exaltation, and more. Stories should express a certain degree of vulnerability, authenticity, and pathos. At their b
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Storytelling often requires people to speak more personally, demonstrate vulnerability, and risk audience feedback. It’s not easy. As a character in one of my novels says: “The right thing and the hard thing are often the same thing.” Storytelling requires a bit of courage. A splash of daring. A willingness to stand apart from the rest. As a result
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Those seemingly boring moments are the ones that people remember.