Stoicism for Inner Peace
He tells us that a calm mind is not achieved by trying to alter and control our surroundings: it’s achieved by the way we think.
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
“Never say of anything, ‘I have lost it.’ but, ‘I have returned it.’”
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
The Stoic you, however, has a different approach. It fully embraces fate no matter what
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
When we embrace whatever happens, what could go wrong? Nothing.
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.”
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
“Worse than war is the very fear of war.”
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
The more we value things beyond our control, the less control we have.
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
They are stuck in the dreadful absurdity of trying to figure out what cannot be figured out, and with repetitive attempts they keep trying nonetheless.
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die: it’s a waste of time.
Einzelgänger • Stoicism for Inner Peace
And, regardless of what the future brings, no one takes away our power to make the best of it.