Saved by Harold T. Harper and
Steve Jobs
passionate but sensitive, callous but sentimental, inspiring but flawed
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
“He loved doing things right. He even cared about the look of the parts you couldn’t see.”
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
Be Here Now, a guide to meditation and the wonders of psychedelic drugs by Baba Ram Dass, born Richard Alpert. “It was profound,” Jobs said. “It transformed me and many of my friends.”
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
Issey Miyake.
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
“The Apple Marketing Philosophy” that stressed three points. The first was empathy, an intimate connection with the feelings of the customer: “We will truly understand their needs better than any other company.” The second was focus: “In order to do a good job of those things that we decide to do, we must eliminate all of the unimportant opportunit... See more
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
“He can deceive himself,” said Bill Atkinson. “It allowed him to con people into believing his vision, because he has personally embraced and internalized it.”
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
“From the first Mac to the latest iPhone, Jobs’s systems have always been sealed shut to prevent consumers from meddling and modifying them,” noted Leander Kahney, author of Cult of the Mac.
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
for the Mac within a year. As they proceeded to visit other Japanese companies, Jobs was on his worst behavior. He wore jeans and sneakers to meetings with Japanese managers in dark suits. When they formally handed him little gifts, as was the custom, he often left them behind, and he never reciprocated with gifts of his own. He would sneer when ro... See more
Walter Isaacson • Steve Jobs
He had spent his career selling sodas and snacks whose recipes were largely irrelevant to him. He wasn’t naturally passionate about products, which was among the most damning sins that Jobs could imagine. “I tried to educate him about the details of engineering,” Jobs recalled, “but he had no idea how products are created, and after a while it just... See more