Saved by Mark Fishman and
Staying Put
Good decisions require lots of quiet time alone in your head, maybe sitting on the couch thinking or going for a walk. It rarely looks like work, which means your coworkers have to trust you when you’re doing it.
Morgan Housel • Staying Put
Don’t switch fields, don’t look for a new job, don’t move on. Even when it’s tempting. Especially when it’s tempting. There’s a decent chance your motivations are driven by two things: The grass-is-greener fallacy of wrongly assuming the alternative is better, or denying the fact that great opportunities occasionally require annoyance and sacrifice... See more
Morgan Housel • Staying Put
Trust has to be earned, and it’s mostly earned through firsthand observation over time, when people watch you under a variety of circumstances. Even when you have a track record at other companies, trust is doled out in small doses when you’re a new face.
Morgan Housel • Staying Put
What’s easy to overlook is that networks and trust compound like any other asset, and every time you switch jobs or careers you reset the clock to some degree.