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Staying Put
The key is that you’ll probably do your best work when your’ve earned your colleagues’ trust, which is the hidden value of staying put. This is especially true if your job involves making good decisions vs. doing something physical with your body. Good decisions require lots of quiet time alone in your head, maybe sitting on the couch thinking or g... See more
Morgan Housel • Staying Put
Nassim Taleb says if you’re going to panic in investing, panic early. Same goes for your career – if you’re going to quit, quit early so whatever’s next has a shot at compounding.
Morgan Housel • Staying Put
The shiny allure of new overrides the quiet power of compounding in a way that’s easy to overlook.
Morgan Housel • Staying Put
Most of the time you see someone do something incredible, with what seems like little effort, and you ask “How did you do that?”, the honest answer is, “I’ve been doing this every day for 10+ years.” Noticing patterns and connecting the subtle dots is something that’s hard to teach in a classroom but becomes obvious when you’ve lived and breathed a... See more